Well, I am now officially on the last summer break of my life. My first year is over and it was quite a ride. Below is my most recent artist statement... this is how I have wrapped things up in my head.
What if we could see through all the levels of strata in our world—physical, technological, social, psychological—and understand how it all fits together and affects one another? If all the stuff of the world were distilled into either a building block or a connector, how would we understand the construction of our reality? I like to think that our universe is made up of fundamental visible and invisible interactions that shape everything we know. I am interested in the processes of how it all evolves and fits together. In this vein, I build each painting from a single element to create multi-layered autonomous little worlds with tenuous cohesion. The decisions I make in my paintings are based on reacting to what has come before. The paintings are records of their own making—a visual experience of “fitting together” and evolving over a specific expanse of time.
I think the biggest challenges of this past semester have been understanding what type of work I make and not comparing myself to other artists. The concept of Fitting Together applies at so many levels of our world/our understanding... one of which being a fundamental part of painting.